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Wallpaper, the first choice for decoration

Wallpaper, the latest trending wall covering: not a minute goes by without you being able to contemplate one! At your sister's, your grandparents', in your company, at the nursery, but also in healthcare establishments, at the hotel, at the restaurant or even at your beautician's. It's true that they are all magnificent, these panoramic wallpapers. The patterns of the panoramic wallpaper warm up and dress the space, and above all, they personalize the decoration. And that's something we love! Moreover, even at your home (we know), you have succumbed to the wallpaper trend, in your living room, entrance and bedroom.

Democratization of the decoration of wet rooms!

Previously, the decoration of wet rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom and toilets remained quite succinct. Moreover, paint was preferred over tiles, for its resistance and maintenance conditions. But today, wallpaper has been able to face this difficulty and a special wet room wallpaper has appeared. Let us explain to you, so that you can see more clearly.

Wet rooms and their problems

Wallpaper in the kitchen

The kitchen, this living space that we love so much. The kitchen is so appreciated that today, it often has the chance to share space and open onto the living room. We spend most of our time in the kitchen, and since the lockdown, cooking has become a friendly and family moment. Having a pretty kitchen is important. And knowing how to stand out with panoramic wallpaper is ideal. And yes, furniture is beautiful, but with walls, it's better!

Choosing wallpaper for your kitchen is not a trivial matter. You may not have thought about it, but the kitchen is a room with stains and humidity! When you cook, humidity and steam will escape and float around your room. Also, cooking fat is deposited everywhere on furniture and walls, even if there is a hood.

These factors are essential in choosing your future wallpaper, so that it lasts over time and you are satisfied with it.

Wallpaper in the bathroom

A true place of relaxation, the bathroom of a home is sacred. So why not opt ​​for a personalized decoration, with a jungle theme for example, in order to believe and fully experience a tropical climate to be able to relax?

The bathroom is a real test of the quality of the wallpaper you have purchased or wish to purchase. Due to its daily humidity, the wallpaper will be put to the test. Between peeling, mold and dripping, you might be very surprised at what humidity does to unsuitable wallpaper.

Wallpaper in the toilet

A rather intimate and personal place for each person, the offices are often devoid of any decoration (apart from grandma's potpourri). However, everyone spends some time there! So why not decorate them so that you have a more pleasant time? Well, we certainly don't want you to spend hours in your offices, but still! Transform this moment of solitude into a mini trip thanks to a personalized decoration, with XXL wallpaper.

By the way, are you surprised that the toilet is counted as a wet room? However, it should not be. Even if there is no water vapor escaping from inside our toilets, a source of water is present, and this all the time. In addition, this water stagnates when it is not used, so the humidity remains present daily in this room . If your toilets are small and poorly ventilated, be careful of mold that could appear.

Vinyl wallpaper for your wet rooms

As you can see, if you have chosen to put up wallpaper in a damp room, you absolutely have to choose your wallpaper carefully. And this is a fact to avoid any disappointment after putting up your wallpaper, even if putting up wallpaper is quite quick. Don't waste your energy, time and money.

In the trade, only one wallpaper meets the requirements of wet rooms: vinyl non-woven wallpaper. At MuralConcept, this wallpaper corresponds to the vinyl pro finish.

Non-woven vinyl wallpaper is a thick, moisture-resistant, anti-mold and washable wallpaper: enough to tick all the boxes, isn't that great!

The characteristics of MuralConcept vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl finish pro wallpaper is the most resistant wallpaper in our range. It is ideal for damp rooms, but also for professional establishments.

- Weight of 360g/m²
- Smooth and satin non-woven finish
- Tear-resistant support
- Highly washable
- Anti-bacterial
- Fireproof, flame retardant treatment according to standard M1 B-S1-D0
- Water-repellent vinyl film
- Deeper colors
- Anti-scratch

Our advice for installing your wallpaper in a damp room

You now know the wallpaper you need to be able to decorate your interior with peace of mind, and more particularly your damp rooms.

For an even more optimal installation, we advise you to ensure that your wet room has a VMC in working order. Also, make sure that the wallpaper is installed so that it is not in direct contact with water. If you want even more protection for your panoramic wallpaper, you can also place a plexiglass plate on it, so that it is completely protected in the event of splashes or accidents (with tomato sauce, for example).

And of course, our last piece of advice, which isn't really one, is more of an obligation: the wall where the wallpaper of your dreams will be hung must be perfectly sound and dry.

How to install MuralConcept vinyl wallpaper?

Now that you have all the keys in hand to choose your wallpaper, whether it's wallpaper for your bathroom, kitchen wallpaper, or even wallpaper for the toilet, hold on to your squeegees!

Our vinyl pro non-woven wallpaper is installed edge to edge, like standard wallpaper. Below you will find the installation guide that we provide so that you can successfully install it, without stress. For your vinyl pro wallpaper, our last piece of advice will be to use heavy-duty non-woven wallpaper glue, because yes, given its thickness, it is the best glue there is!

Are you a professional, manager of an aquatic establishment or a Spa?

Whether you are a professional or an individual, our vinyl pro non-woven wallpapers, when we tell you that they are perfectly suited for a damp room, whatever it may be, it is the truth! Our vinyl pro wallpapers can be installed in your relaxation areas, massage cabins, SPA areas. We simply advise you to follow all our recommendations specified in this article.

Order independently, without wasting time!

At MuralConcept, we know that for you, professionals, saving time is essential. This is why we allow you to order your wallpaper in complete autonomy, with our commitment to quality and compliance. In order to order our professional vinyl finish wallpaper, you simply need to choose the wallpaper finish on our product sheets.

Do you have any further questions?

French publisher of custom panoramic wallpapers, MuralConcept carefully produces its wallpapers in the Rhône-Alpes basin within the independent creative studio Picturalp'design.

Find our answers to the most frequently asked questions on our Frequently Asked Questions. Are you a professional? Visit our Pro section to tell us about your project.