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Beware of cheap wallpapers!

Wallpaper is the favorite product of the French to decorate or renovate their interior. Tapestry is also very popular for home staging, because the change is done in the blink of an eye.

It is the most preferred material in the field of interior decoration, its return on quality / price / durability / ease of installation, is just perfect.

On the net, more and more brands and resellers are appearing, thousands of different wallpapers are emerging, there is something for all prices. We, customers, are lost in the face of all these offers.

How to choose? What explains this price difference?

"The air pollution present in our homes is often too little known."

Precautions to take when choosing a wallpaper brand

When you start looking a little more closely, you quickly realize that some sites are not transparent about the description of their products, the origin of their wallpapers, or even compliance with European standards . Be aware that some do not hesitate to put your health at risk !

This article explains the different types of materials that make up a wall covering as well as their effects in your home: emissions, harmfulness, ecological impact, etc.

How is responsible, high-quality panoramic wallpaper made?

The creation and manufacture of a panoramic or standard wallpaper goes through several stages and by different actors. Thousands of wallpaper models are available for sale, there is something for everyone. Some models are specially created by a brand or a distributor and only he can sell them on the market. These are unique and exclusive models .

But why are some models available on several sites?

Many designers and creators choose to market their creations for sale as "free" on image banks reserved for professionals. As a result, anyone with a license can buy a model and use it to sell their product.

Same image on a different site: how to react?

A wallpaper model with a "free" type visual can therefore be sold on several different sites. But from one site to another, you have to pay attention to the manufacturing conditions. And it is these conditions, the manufacturing process that should not be neglected.

The main components of a wallpaper

The composition of a product is essential . Over time, we consumers have been able to realize that manufacturers, in order to be more profitable, were mixing chemical and non-natural products.

When we talk about chemicals, we are talking about toxic, polluting products that are harmful to health in the short, medium and long term.

Furniture, decoration, any object or material around us emit substances into the air (called VOCs) , which our body and respiratory system absorb.

Some substances, toxins and plastics have adverse effects on our body, and can cause allergies, headaches, respiratory problems etc.

“Indoor pollution is just as dangerous as outdoor pollution.”

The standards to be respected

Over the years, laws and associations have evolved with the establishment of standards and labels that make it possible to indicate to consumers the presence of products harmful to health.

Unfortunately, the control authorities cannot verify that all wallpapers imported and sold on the Internet comply with EC standards .

Here is the list of standards and labels to check when purchasing your wallpaper:

- Imprim'Vert


Choosing a French company guarantees compliance with regulations

It is essential to check the company's identity card. All French companies must comply with the CE standard.

Logically, all products sold and purchased in Europe must comply with mandatory standards.

However, some sites do not respect any rules or standards. They are often foreign companies, non-French and non-European, which free themselves and do not fear the market control authorities. Sometimes, you may have the impression of buying French wallpaper, while it is produced and sold from Asia.

It is the price difference that should alert you . Do not hesitate to call the customer service of the website in question for more information. This way, you will be able to get an idea for yourself about the manufacturing processes and printing locations.

Harmful and volatile pollutants in your home can

endanger your health and that of your loved ones.

ZOOM on the composition of non-woven wallpaper

The wood

A non-woven wallpaper is first of all a compaction of plant fibers (wood chips). Wood and deforestation are a major issue for our ecosystem. It is preferable to choose a wallpaper printed on paper from sustainably managed forests, in other words: PEFC or FSC certified.

The ink

The inks used for printing (on any type of media) contain highly toxic components; it is not for nothing that empty ink cartridges must go into specific boxes for "recycling".

These components (such as iron oxide, aluminum, arsenic, etc.) contaminate the soil and represent a threat to our health.

It is therefore essential to choose a printed wallpaper:

- solvent-free (of any type, even organic)

- with water-based inks

- formaldehyde free

- free of heavy metals or metallic components

Favoring ECO-RESPONSIBLE manufacturing means:

♦ free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

♦ PVC (polyvinyl chloride) free

♦ rated A+ on emissions (no impact on health and odorless)

♦ respecting procedures guaranteeing sustainable forest management

Choosing a French MuralConcept wallpaper means opting for

♦ A quality product 100% wood fiber without PVC , not harmful to my interior

Eco-responsible manufacturing committed to ecology

Guaranteed labels and certifications , in compliance with French and European regulations

French customer service available to answer your questions, by phone, email or social networks

♦ Support the French economy and market by choosing a French company

All this comes at a cost, and for transparency, we have chosen to explain everything to you.

When I buy a non-woven mural from MuralConcept, what do I pay?

50% remuneration from our French printing workshop, or located in Scandinavian countries

25% advertising budget, trade fair & partnership

The rest helps pay charges, VAT, employees, illustrators, taxes...

Our aim is not to overwhelm the market with our wallpapers, but to offer custom-made products without storage, made to order to avoid waste. Products created with care and love, which will healthily enhance your interior.

To learn more about our environmental commitments, visit our Environmental Policy page.

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